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ChatGPT is a gamechanger for insurance

Written by Hans Frauenlob | 4 December 2022 10:01:12 PM

Last week's release of ChatGPT by OpenAI was simply breathtaking. I've finally seen how AI can truly change the way that insurance is bought and sold. I asked ChatGPT a question.

Pretty good answer! So I asked another one.

It is not hard to see how fantastic natural language models like this can totally change the way that insurers provide information to their customers. Marketing departments, technical writers and customer support teams will radically change what they do and how they do it. Brokers and advisers will be even more challenged to show their value-add.

I've been building technology since the 1980s. In my career, I can think of a handful of times when I could see the game changing massively thanks to technical innovation.

  • In the early 1980s, when dBase II let mainstream application development move to the personal computer
  • In the late 1980s, when DB2 took relational databases into enterprise computing
  • In the early 1990s, when the World Wide Web gave instant global reach to publishers
  • In the late 2000s, when the iPhone instantly created mobile computing
  • And now - mainstreamed access to incredibly powerful natural language processing

I haven't been this intrigued about the future of application development for a long long time. 

The potential of this technology to truly benefit employees who want help to better understand the choices in front of them in employee benefits is incredible. This can also benefit insurers, employers, intermediaries, and service providers in creating products and services that are truly fit for purpose for the people receiving them.

I'm immediately rethinking what this means for Sentro. Our aim is to be the operating system for group insurance. I'm certain that the incorporation of AI / natural language is absolutely key to making service better for everyone, and I'm going to be look for opportunities to extend our platform with these capabilities.